
Niceville Childrens Spray Park

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The Spray Park has two palm trees: one that sprays water from the leaves, and one that has coconuts that fill up and drop water frequently, soaking those below. A Blue Heron will surprise children by soaking them as they walk by. Magic Mushrooms spray water all around and make a tent for the children to hide under while watching others play. The children have a great time cooling off during the hot days and warm evenings, and comfortable tables, chairs, and umbrellas are available for the adults to relax and enjoy watching the children play. 

DAY: May thru September

HOUR: 10-5pm Wednesday thru Saturday 1-5pm Sunday Closed Monday & Tuesday

ADDRESS: 204-A Partin Dr N Niceville, FL 32578

PHONE: 850-279-6436 ext 1402